Penguins and jellyfish have appeared near the ceiling of the Tanuki Koji arcade. They are a part of the PR display for the aquarium Aoao Sapporo, which opened this summer. Their lovely and cool appearance brings a moment of peace and relief from the summer heat for people walking in the city. Visit the aquarium soon to feel more of this happy feeling!
狸小路のアーケードの天井近くに、ペンギンやクラゲが登場した。この夏に新たに開業した水族館「AOAO SAPPORO」のPRディスプレー。愛らしく涼しげなその姿は、猛暑の街中を歩く人たちにいっぷくの平穏と涼を届けているようだ。この幸せな気持ちをもっと感じに、早く水族館を訪れてみよう。
©︎K. K. Yam