During an evening stroll through Nakajima Park, an urban green space rich in nature, I happened to come to the entrance of Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara. It must have been just after some performance had finished. The magnificent building emerged in the darkness of the night, and the audience heading home from there quietly conveyed a sense of artistic enthusiasm. It was as if people were part of the surrounding forest, and even the huge building seemed like it was not man-made.
自然豊かな都市公園、中島公演を夜散歩していたら、偶然、札幌コンサートホール Kitaraの正面に来た。ちょうど何かの公演が終わった後だったのだろう。夜の闇に浮かび上がる壮大な建物とそこから帰路につく観客たちからは、どこか不思議な熱気が静かに伝わってきた。彼らはまるで周囲を取り囲む森の一部のようで、ホールの建物さえも人工物ではないように思えた。
©K. K. Yam